Methods of poisoning by it:
Carbon monoxide is responsible for many deaths annually, and the most cases that happen take place in winter, especially as a result of heating by using coal in small unventilated rooms, and carbon monoxide causes the deaths of more victims of fires, especially within the buildings and before the fire reaches them. As the poisoning is not accompanied by pain, since the gas quickly causes the loss of the ability to move and speak prior to a coma death. Poisoning by carbon monoxide can happen in the smoke cigarettes and tobacco for it is one of its main components.
How the human beings are poisoned by the carbon monoxide gas:
When carbon monoxide gas is inhaled, it would deprive the body's cells of oxygen, for the carbon monoxide gas is united when inhaled with the hemoglobin consisting the cherubim hemoglobin, and since each of the carbon monoxide and oxygen unite at the same group of chemical hemoglobin molecule, so the cherubim hemoglobin is incapable of carrying oxygen leading to the deprivation of oxygen in the cells. And the extent of saturation of the carbon monoxide in the hemoglobin depends on the concentration of this gas in the air, and on the time of exposure. For this the body demands of oxygen depends on the type of activity that the individual does and the amount that his tissue needs in addition to the concentration of the hemoglobin in the blood.
Symptoms of poisoning:
The symptoms and signs of poisoning of carbon monoxide are revealed within the following three factors:
o The quantity of gas concentration in the inhaled air.
o Duration of exposure to carbon monoxide gas.
o The activity done during the inhalation of the gas.
These three factors lead to an imbalance in the amount of cherubim hemoglobin in the blood, which in its turn lead to the presence of the symptoms of the need of oxygen to the body, especially the brain. If the amount of gas and duration of exposure have increased the human starts feeling a headache accompanied by anxiety, confusion and a sense of dizziness and imbalance with the visual sense, nausea, vomiting and fainting occurs when you make any additional muscular effort to is, then it develops into a coma and respiratory failure and then death. And if a person inhaled a high concentration of carbon monoxide in the beginning, incautiousness and coma are symptoms quickly appear without any preliminary foretaste. But when there is a gradual poisoning the poisoned person by the carbon monoxide gas can notice the loss of his ability to make any effort with the difficulty of breathing when moving then when he is at rest with the high secretion sweat and a sense of fever. The poisoning of carbon monoxide gas is associated with symptoms of inflation of the liver and skin manifestations and the increase in the number of white blood cells and bleeding, and glucose and albumin are shown in the urine sometimes. One of the most serious symptoms of gas poisoning is the brain stroke and an increase in the pressure 0f the cerebral due to the increase in the disappearing of the blood capillaries of the brain that suffer acute shortage of oxygen, and the suffering of the heart muscle from the lack of oxygen The most distinctive symptoms of gas poisoning from the carbon monoxide is colored skin and mucous membranes of a red color due to the color of the cherubim hemoglobin which is glittering.
treating poison:
The patient who is suffering from the poisoning of carbon monoxide gas is relieved by giving him artificial respiration effective in the presence of oxygen and in the absence of any trace of carbon monoxide. And this pure oxygen is used if possible, to allow it to take the place of carbon dioxide gas and at least partially to mitigate the effects of lack of oxygen to the tissues of through the dissolving of oxygen in the blood plasma, and for this purpose the pressurized oxygen is used in cases of serious poisoning of this gas. And a blood transfusion or transfer of red blood cells may have an effective impact in treatment. To reduce the need of the tissue for oxygen, the patient must remain completely at a standstill, and resort to cooling the body to help reduce the need for oxygen. And in the progress of treatment, the symptoms of poisoning begin gradually disappearing, but in the event of a continuing and severe shortage in the arrival of oxygen to the tissues may show symptoms of nervous shakes, mental disorder, and mental and behavioral. And maybe there will be microscopic changes in the cerebral cortex and heart muscle and other organs.
hydrogen sulfide gas
ydrogen sulfide gas with the chemical symbol (H2S) is also known as "hydrogen gas" because it often emitted from the mold of the wastes with a disgusting strong smell. In these high levels hydrogen sulfide gas can make you sick or may cause your death.
What is hydrogen sulfide gas?
It is a strong foul-smelling gas and like the smell of rotten eggs. It has no color and it is found in a natural way in the environment. And may consist and emit in the presence of the wastes containing sulfur. The wastes of the livestock and water sewage for man and the trucks that transport waste and chemical waste may emit hydrogen sulfide gas. as well as it is possible to have the gas in groundwater, especially in wells near the oil fields or wells that permeate the rocks and in the areas of oil refineries. As well as this gas can be could be emitted through industries based on sulfur compounds.
How to get exposed to hydrogen sulfide gas?
You may be subjected to this gas by inhalation or even through the skin or the eye. And this exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas may occur in the home, or at work. If this exposure was at home it may occur through the sewages, which contains hydrogen sulfide gas. This gas has the smell of ‘Bad eggs", which is a foul smell. Therefore most of those who work in the field of livestock, sewage treatment, oil refineries, and chemical companies may be exposed to hydrogen sulfide gas in the area of their work.
Its impact on human health
You May smell hydrogen sulfide gas in a very small level in a large place filled of air. And to be exposed to higher levels of hydrogen sulfide gas can lead to eye, nose and lungs agitation. Although the gas hydrogen sulfide stink for a strong sense of smell and consequently leading to the agitation of the eye and dizziness, cough and headache and may be fatal and in a quick way. Deaths occur when people enter the poorly ventilated places such as sewage systems and deep wells underground liquid tanks, and this gas is heavier than air for this its concentration is considered to be higher near the surface of such places.
And it was found that the problems of the nervous system are for a long period of time to those who were subjected for this gas in a short term but at high levels. Also heart injuries have been monitored in such cases.
How to be secured from the hydrogen sulfide gas?
o To ensure that the sewage pipes were installed and maintained properly.
o Through the identification of the source and then removing it and particularly in the plumbing.
o Increase ventilation and air conditioning in the areas affected by this problem, may temporarily reduce exposure to this gas.
o Must follow the guidance that limit the exposure to the chemicals such as hydrogen sulfide gas.