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The inception of the International Day of Civil Defense


After the United Nations General Assembly approved the first of March as the International Day for the Celebration of the International Day of Civil Defense; The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by the General Directorate of Civil Defense, celebrates this day with its fellow member states of the International Organization for Civil Protection, in appreciation of the great and continuous efforts made by the civil defense agencies in this era to preserve the security and safety of human societies from the danger of natural and human disasters and to reduce the risk of disasters. The tragic effects that result from them, especially with the growing dangers and threats facing the human being and accompanying him at home, on the road, and at work, necessitated the international community’s action in proportion to the threat these dangers pose to the safety of life and property, and to confront the damage caused by these disasters in three basic aspects: prevention and confrontation Then manage the situation after the disaster to help its victims and preserve property and the environment.


The main objective of this celebration is to acknowledge and praise the great role played by the civil defense agencies and their employees, and at the same time to emphasize that disasters and natural and human hazards have today become an international problem that transcends political borders after the world has become a global village affected by each other in light of the emergence of threats New normal and human. The main objectives of this day are as follows:

  • A reminder of the importance of the issue of combating all kinds of disasters.
  • A reminder of the essential role played by civil protection agencies and departments (Civil Defense) in the world.
  • Notify civil protection agencies in various countries of the world of the importance of cohesion and solidarity in carrying out their mission.
  • Utilizing the various media to convey safety and protection directives and instructions to all citizens.
  • Remind all countries of their duty to actively support the tasks and duties of the organization, which include dissemination and encouragement.
  • The development of civil protection at the global level against all kinds of risks.
  • Holding seminars and introductory lectures on the tasks and duties of civil protection (civil defense).
  • Distributing awareness flyers and posters to citizens and residents in coordination with institutions, companies, schools and universities

And we in the General Directorate of Civil Defense, as we join the world in celebrating this occasion, feel the great responsibility entrusted to us regarding the steady growth of disaster risks and consequently towards the serious human, social and economic damage resulting from that with the development of societies in a way where the traditional methods of prevention and protection are no longer sufficient due to the increasing Population density in Arab cities and the huge growth of public facilities such as hospitals, universities and service facilities, as well as the almost total dependence on modern technology, which in itself causes many accidents if it is misused or neglected to maintain and maintain it, resulting in these accidents a lot of heavy losses. From that, and in the context of our implementation of the Arab strategies in the field of civil protection and civil defense, and by sensing the needs of the Arab security services in various fields, keeping pace with the terrain of the security work, we have given the issues of civil defense, safety, security and civil protection on this day what they deserve of care and momentum commensurate with its size Bearing in mind that disasters constitute a major threat to humans and Its advancement and development in various aspects of life, and we have sought in the Directorate to intensify our presence in the various means of communication, publications, for example; More than (500,000) copies are prepared and printed each year, which deal in their entirety with the definition of the role of civil defense and its importance and procedures for preventing and dealing with dangers if they occur, God forbid.

In the field of radio, television, and the press, meetings and seminars are being prepared with civil defense officials and relevant authorities. Recently, coordinators of ministries and government departments benefited from this occasion through the Council's secretariat.

With regard to this occasion also, we must not lose sight of the role of the private sector in its effective participation through financial support in particular.

Resolution for the adoption of the International Day

On December 18, 1990, at the headquarters of the International Conference Center in Geneva, the Ninth General Assembly of the International Organization of Civil Protection adopted a resolution setting the first of March of each year to celebrate the International Day of Civil Protection (for civil defense). This day coincides with the date of the anniversary of the entry into force of the Basic Law of the Organization as an international organization on the first of March 1972 AD.

  • March 2016: Media..Prevention.​
  • March 2015: sustainable development without risks.​
  • March 2014: Towards a safe society.
  • March 2013: Community Participation and Civil Defense.
  • March 2012: Civil Defense and Home Safety.
  • March 2011: Civil Defense and the Role of the Family.
  • March 2010: Civil Defense and Disaster Medicine.
  • March 2009: Civil Defense and Preventive Media.
  • March 2008: Civil Defense and Safety Measures Warning
  • March 2007: Civil Defense and Safety in the Workplace.
  • March 2006: Civil Defense and the School.
  • March 2005: Civil Defense and Environmental Protection.
  • March 2004: Civil Defense and Road Safety.
  • March 2003: Civil Defense is a tool of solidarity in the face of disasters
  • March 2002: Basic Elements of Civil Defense الدفاع
  • March 2001: Voluntary Services and Civil Defense
  • March 2000: Civil Defense: A tool for developing missions
  • March 1999: Civil defense should become part of school programs
  • March 1998: Civil defense is the right and duty of all
  • March 1997: The role of civil defense services in international humanitarian law
  • March 1996: Risk analysis to achieve better disaster prevention is an essential role for civil defense
  • March 1995: Civil Defense protects lives, property and the environment
  • March 1994: Civil Defense and Safety in the Nation
  • March 1993: Civil Defense in the Service of the Environment
  • March 1992: The role of civil defense services in preventing disasters
  • March 1991: Civil Defense and the International Organization for Civil Protection
March 2016: Media .. Prevention
March 2015: sustainable development without risks​
March 2014: Towards a safe society.​
March 2013: Community Participation and Civil Defense​
March 2012: Civil Defense and Safety at Home​
March 2011: Civil Defense and the Role of the Family​
March 2010: Civil Defense and Disaster Medicine​
March 2009: Civil Defense and Preventive Media
March 2008: Civil Defense and Safety Measures Warning
March 2007: Civil Defense and Safety in the Workplace موقع
March 2006: Civil Defense and the School