We are with you 911 Or 998

A word from the Director General of Civil Defense

Safety in our daily lives requires active participation from all segments of society. It is the first pillar to build a way of life characterized by security and safety through preventive awareness measures that lead to a safe society free of risks. The General Directorate of Civil Defense implements all of its capabilities, workforce, equipment, and knowledge to protect lives and properties from all sorts of dangers. The General Directorate of Civil Defense also promotes safety and awareness by conducting activities, events, and various media means to achieve security and safety for the public and the prosperity of our homeland.

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Definition of civil defense

Civil Defense in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as defined by the system Civil Defense issued by Royal Decree No. M/10 dated 10/5 1406 Corresponding to 01/20/1986 AD is: A set of procedures and actions Necessary to protect the population and public and private property from dangers Fire, disasters, wars, various accidents and relief for the afflicted Ensuring the safety of transportation, communications and the workflow of facilities and the protection of national sources of wealth in times of peace and war and emergency.

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Vision, Mission and Values


Excellence in performance to protect life and property regionally and globally.


Work professionally to achieve the safety and protection of lives and property from Risks in peacetime, disasters, wars and reduction Losses and spreading a culture of preventive awareness with qualified cadres and equipment Keeping pace, partnership and fruitful cooperation.


God-fearing - courage - humanity - cooperation - sincerity - honesty

Directors of civil defense Orgnaization structure

Civil Defense System and Regulations

Civil Defense directors

  • Mr. Ali Ibrahim Tolba
  • Retired first team / Fayez Muhammad Al-Awfi

    He was born in the year 1349 AH. He rose through the ranks of the military until he obtained a Rank of first lieutenant general, appointed as head of the capital fire brigade in 1368 AH 1369 AH, then appointed head of the fire brigade in 1370 AH until 1387 AH appointed Director General of Civil Defense from 1389 AH until 1395 AH.

  • Retired Major General / Abdul Ghani Hassan Ali Jawa

    He was born in 1354 AH - rose through the military ranks until he obtained a Rank of Major General, appointed Assistant to the Director General of Public Security for Defense Affairs Al-Madani in 1395 AH - 1396 AH.

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Civil Defense martyrs

Protective requirements from fire in the warehouses and cars parking

 page  symbol  Eleventh chapter: protective requirements from fire in the warehouses and cars parking.
 173  11-1  Warehouse buildings.
   11-2  Seriousness of fire.
   11-3  Structural requirements.
   11-4  Different uses.
   11-5  Control over the spread of fire.
   11-5/1  Horizontal spread.
   11-5/2  Vertical expansion.
   11-5/3  Exterior spread.
   11-5/4  Arrival of the civil defense vehicles.
   11-6  Ways of escape.
   11-6/2  Absorption capacity.
   11-6/3  Capacity.
   11-6/4  Transition distance.
   11-6/5  Direct distance.
   11-6/6  Passages.
   11-6/7  Exits.
   11-6/8  Stairs.
   11-6/9  Final exit.
   11-7  Firefighting equipment and alarm.
   11-8  Engineering services.
   11-9  Special protective conditions ‘cars’ parking.’
   11-9/1  Warehouse buildings, cars’ parking.
   11-9/4  Control over the spread of fire.
   11-9/4/1  Slopes of the parking under ground level.
   11-9/4/2  Floor.
   11-9/4/3  Side wall.
   11-9/5  Firefighting equipments and alarms.
   11-9/6  Engineering services.

• Preventive Requirements for fire protection in the premises of warehouses and parking:

Index tables

 Page  Chart number  Chart name
   11-1  The validity of the buildings through the structural side to be used in the storage domain.
   11-2  The area of fire sectors in the warehouses building is due to its seriousness.
   11-3  Calculate the transition and direct distance for the warehouse buildings.
   11-4  Fire fighting equipments in the warehouse buildings is according to the category, rise, and structural classification.
   11-5  Engineering services special for protection in the warehouse building.
   11-6  Fire fighting equipments in the parking in the buildings is according to the category, rise, and structural classification.
   11-7  Engineering services special for protection in the parking of the building.

 11-1 Storage buildings: 
Buildings or parts for the specialized in the purpose of storing raw materials, manufactured products or semi-manufactured. And this type of buildings may be independent or part of a manufacturing building.  
The warehouse buildings are divided in terms of risk groups as follows:
 11-1/1  Category (a) buildings of light serious where non-combustible materials are stored, such as building materials, appliances and spare parts.
 11-1/2  Category (b) medium-risk buildings in which there are stored combustible materials, or incombustible materials wrapped with materials that are combustible such thick cardboard or plastic or sawdust and others.
 11-1/3  Category (c) buildings with a high risk that stores the hazardous materials in general, such as gases, flammable liquids, and high vulnerability of combustion such as wood, paper and fibers plastic foam and others.

 11-2  Dangerous fire: the seriousness of the fire is classified in storage buildings as the type of storage in these buildings such as:
 11-2/1  Serious light category (a): the storage buildings that have weak combustion materials in wish self-fire is unlikely to happen, as shown in the chart 1-1 in the first section "preventive requirements of the buildings" such as incombustible materials like building materials, equipments, and spare parts.
 11-2/2  Medium danger category (b): the warehouses of the building where the contents the contents burn in a medium spread level, or that have a release of substantial amount of smoke, but does not produce toxic fumes, and explosions, as indicated in Table 1-1 in Part I "preventive requirements in Public buildings, "such as warehouses that store combustible materials, or materials are not combustible but wrapped with combustible substances such as thick cardboard and plastic granules, sawdust, etc..
 11-2/3  High-risk category (c): the warehouse buildings with contents that burn at a very high speed, and produces toxic smokes or explosions as shown in the chart 1-1 part one "preventive requirements of the buildings", or this that is stored in it hazardous materials in general, Flammable liquids, and high vulnerability combustion materials such as wood, paper and fibers, as well as plastic.

 11-3  Structural requirements:
 11-3/1  The terms of preventive precautions must be applied in the engineering fields in general to provide the safety structure installation from the fire.
 11-3/2  The validity of the construction of buildings are specified to be used in storage duties according to the Table 1-2 "Classification of buildings in terms of resistance to fire" The following table 1-11 "validity of the
Construction of buildings to be used for storage."

 • Validity of the buildings from the construction side
to be used for storage, depending on the seriousness of their contents

 Structural classification  Seriousness degree
 First and second type only  Buildings with high fire seriousness
 First, second, and third types according to certain conditions  Buildings with medium fire seriousness
 All kinds
 Fifth type temporary and special conditions
 Buildings with light fire seriousness

Table 1-11

 11-4  Mixed use:
 11-4/1  In the event that the storage buildings are part of the premises of another use, they should be separated from them so that each one becomes an independent sector, and have independent ways of escape.
 11-4/2  The parts of the buildings for purposes other than storage are dealt with according to the type of use.
 11-4/3  There must be a separation between the parts related to the warehouses and parts for other purposes attached.

 11-5  Control the spread of fire: the conditions of the first section must be applied in addition to these terms and conditions.
 11-5/1  Horizontal proliferation: the area of the fire sector should not exceed more than what is specified in Table 11-2.
 11-5/1/1  The basement is protected when it is provided with a network of water sprinklers in case the area was more than 150m2.
 11-5/1/3  There should be separation between different uses, regardless the size.
 11-5/1/4  To separate the areas of risk, regardless the size.

 • The area of the fire sector in the warehouse buildings
according to the seriousness of the contents

 Kind of seriousness in the warehouse buildings    The area of the fire sector in meter square according to the floor.
 Ground floor  Basement and higher floors
 Light danger



  Medium seriousness



  High risk



Table 11-2

 11-5/2  Vertical proliferation: If there were many floors, each floor is considered a separate fire sector.
 11-5/3  Outer-proliferation: the outer walls which are set on borders of the property, from the neighbor’s side must be built of concrete and bricks.
 11-5/4  Access of fire vehicles: it must be accessible for the vehicles and civil defense equipments to arrive to the warehouse building.

 11-6  Ways to escape (emergency exits):
 11-6/1  in The general terms of ways to escape (emergency exits) must be applied in addition to these conditions.
 11-6/2  Absorptive capacity (absorption): The absorption is estimated according to the means of escape for (emergency exits) 3-4 chart, and concerning the places of for other uses it is determined according to the nature of use.
 11-6/3  Capacity: The breadth of ways to escape is calculated on the basis of the number of people who use them as stated in Part III "ways to escape (emergency exits)," under a condition that the width of the main corridors in the storage buildings should not be less than (2 meters) and its subsidiary (1.5 meters) in any way .
 11-6/4  Distance of transition: The transition distance should not exceed from any point to reach the final exit or the protected from the numbers stated in Table 11-3.
 11-6/5  Direct distance: the direct distance must not exceed a from any point to reach the final exit or the protected stairs from the numbers listed in Table 11-3.

• Calculating the transition and direct distance to the warehouse buildings  

   location    Seriousness type


 Ground floor  Basement
   Direct distance inside the section  Light or medium






   Transition distance to the exit or safe stairs    Light









   Closed endings  Light or medium




 May not

 May Not

Agenda 11-3

 11-6/6  Corridors: You must provide the general conditions as set in Part IV "ways of escape (emergency exits)." Under a condition that the major corridors must have a width of at least (2 meters) and its subsidiary (1.5 meters) in any way.
 11-6/6/1  If the storage areas were not fixed and corridors are unclear, the corridors must be planned reflecting paint, to clarify the corridors and work spaces or storage.
 11-6/6/2  The corridors between the storage areas must be and organized clear in which it leads to the outside.
 11-6/7  Exits: You must provide the general conditions of the exits, as set out in Part IV "ways of escape (emergency exits)."
 11-6/7/1  The number of exits in accordance with the general conditions of not less than two apart exits to the parties of the building and on the outer wall, each leading to the outside.
 11-6/7/2  All the exits must lead to the outside directly, to the stairs or to the protected corridor from fire and separated from the building with an isolating space.
 11-6/7/3  It should be accepted in the buildings of low or medium risk to have one exit, after having the approval of the civil defense, if the following conditions were provided.
 11-6/7/3/1  The depth or the direct distance inside the section should not exceed 15m.
 11-6/7/3/2  The transition distance from the section’s door to the final exit or the protected stairs should not be more than 30m.
 11-6/7/3/3  The transition distance to the closed ends must not exceed 7.5m.
 11-6/7/3/4  Provide the rest of the terms of ways to escape.
 11-6/8  Stairs: we must apply the general conditions of ways to escape (emergency exits), in addition to these conditions.
 11-6/8/1  The number of the stairs must not be less than two stairs on each floor, far away to the parties of the building and on the outside wall, each leading to the outside directly.
 11-6/8/2  The protected stairs must be kept away from the building with an isolating space protected from fire which leads directly to the outside.
 11-6/9  Final exit: In all cases, all the way out to escape should lead to the final exit directly.
 11-6/10  In the sections of other uses, in storage buildings with higher risk, there must be applied the prevention requirements that are related to it.

 11-7 Fire-fighting equipment and warning: The application of the terms of Part I of the construction to provide the safety to the structure from the dangers of fire, in addition to the conditions contained in table 11-4. 
 11-7/1  Fire equipment and warning must be in terms of design, implementation and maintenance in accordance with the requirements for equipment and fire warning or civil defense guidance.
 11-7/2  Civil defense have the access to request additional equipment or alternative for some preventive precautions required in accordance with the terms.

 • Fire-fighting equipment and alarm systems in warehouses buildings:
According to the category, rise, and structural classification


 Required conditions


                 Manual fire fighting equipments   

   1     Manual  extinguishers All floors and cases
 2               Fixed installations  
   1      Rubber hoses net  All floors and cases
   2               dry net nozzles  Not wanted
   3   Network of wet  nozzles  Not wanted
   4  A network of outside nozzles  In the warehouse buildings with a high risk.
 3      Automatic fixed systems  
   1 Automatic network of water sprinklers for fire fighting Basement and in the warehouses buildings with medium or high risks.
   2 Automatic network of sprinklers of other materials  Special risk places where water can’t be used.
 4    The fire alarm equipments  
   1  Manual alarm network  In all the floors and cases
   2  Automatic alarm network In the warehouse buildings with medium or high seriousness, and high risk places in the warehouse with low danger.

Table 11-4

 11-8  Engineering Services: You must abide what is mentioned in Section IV, "General requirements for engineering services", with a focus on what was in shown in the Table 5-11.
 11-8/1  Civil defense has the authority to request for additional equipment or a substitute for other preventive certain conditions.

 • Engineering services special for protection against fire in the educational buildings:


 Required cases


 Ventilation system  According to the international standards that are adopted by the civil defense.
   2 Illuminated guiding signs  Basement and ways of escape (emergency exits)
   3  Emergency lighting network  Basement and ways of escape (emergency exits)
   4  Reserve power source  Not required
   5  Fire elevator  Not required
   6  Automatic fire doors  According to the protections in the fields of engineering.

Table 11-5

 11-9  Special protective requirements ‘cars parking’
 11-9/1  Warehouse buildings ‘cars parking’
Parking of the buildings: the buildings that are used for storage and parking in a continuous or temporary way, is considered according to the concept related to the storage buildings. For this the protective conditions are applied for the preventive of fire in storage buildings and in general for parking in addition to these requirements.
The buildings of the parking are divided from the structural point into the following categories:
 11-9/1/1  Category (a) are opened buildings where cars are driven in it to the parking then to the exit.
 11-9/1/2  Category (b) is closed buildings where cars are driven in it to the parking then to the exit.
 11-9/1/3  Category (d) are the buildings where the car can be driven to the parking and then get out automatically.
 11-9/2  Seriousness of fire: the seriousness of the fire is classified in the parking buildings as a medium risk as shown in Table 1-1 in the first section, "preventive requirements of the buildings."

 11-9/3  Structural requirements:
   Conditions of the first section must be applied to provide safety structure installation from fire, and what was mentioned in the construction requirements of this section.

 11-9/4  Control the spread of fire
 11-9/4/1  Slope parking below ground:
 11-9/4/1/1  The slopes of the entry and exit of vehicles are not considered as ways to escape, if only a part was chosen to do this job this, due to this it is protected by a safe barrier, where the general conditions of ways to escape are provided.
 11-9/4/1/2  The slope should not increase in proportion from and to the basement than (10:1) and there must be at least two slopes seemingly far apart, and preferably be on the two opposite sides, in the case that was not possible to determine the civil defense as determines what is appropriate, depending on the situation.
 11-9/4/2  floor:
 11-9/4/2/1  A deviation must be done that leads to the gathered water or poured oil to get rid of it through ground openings then to the main sewages according to the engineering process.
 11-9/4/3  The side wall:
 11-9/4/3/1  The side windows that overlooks over the main street are covered with armed glass or by a thick wire net s prevent the entry of cigarettes and other trash.
 11-9/4/3/2  If the sides of the parking are opened not less than 25% of the area of the outer wall of the building and on two opposite sides, in this case the parking will be classified as open in which there will not be any need to have automatic water sprinkler for firefighting.

 11-9/5  Fire-fighting equipment and warning: You must provide the requirements of Section IV, "General requirements for engineering services" in addition to the conditions contained in table 11-6.
 11-9/5/1  Firefighting equipments and alarms must be in terms of design, implementation and maintenance in accordance with the requirements for equipment and fire warning or civil defense guidance.
 11-9/5/2  There shouldn’t be any construction or installation of any equipment related to the storage or supplies the cars with fuel in the building, except with special permission from the civil defense, and special requirements.
 11-9/5/3  Civil defense may request additional equipment or alternative for some preventive precautions required in accordance with the requirements.

• Fire-fighting equipment and alarm systems in the buildings of the parking
According to the category, rise, and structural classification


 Required conditions


                 Manual fire fighting equipments   

   1     Manual  extinguishers All floors and cases
 2               Fixed installations  
   1      Rubber hoses net  All floors and cases
   2               dry net nozzles  Not wanted
   3   Network of wet  nozzles  All floors
   4  A network of outside nozzles  Inside the railings of the big plans.
 3      Automatic fixed systems  
   1 Automatic network of water sprinklers for fire fighting Car parking under the ground (basement) with closed sides.
   2 Automatic network of sprinklers of other materials  Special risk places where water can’t be used.
 4    The fire alarm equipments  
   1  Manual alarm network  In all the floors and conditions.
   2  Automatic alarm network In the car parking with closed sides.

Table 11-6

 11-9/6  Engineering Services: You must abide what was mentioned in Section IV, "General requirements for engineering services" with a focus on what was in Table 11-7.
 11-9/6/1  Ventilation and smoke discharge:
 11-9/6/2  Must provide appropriate mechanical or natural ventilation in accordance with international standards adopted by the Civil Defense.
 11-9/6/3  The mechanical ventilation system in the basement must be separated from any other system in the building, and it must be designed to work on two separate units, to overcome the worst circumstances.
 11-9/6/4  Civil defense requests for additional equipment or a substitute for other preventive conditions.

• Engineering services for fire protecting in the warehouse buildings and parking


 Required cases


 Ventilation system  According to the international standards that are adopted by the civil defense.
   2 Illuminated guiding signs  Basement and all floors
   3  Emergency lighting network  Basement and all floors
   4  Reserve power source  In covered parking
   5  Fire elevator  Buildings with more than four floors
   6  Automatic fire doors  According to the protections in the fields of engineering.